
Global Edition | Issue | Publication July 2017 Stories published in July 2017

Published monthly and distributed across 140 countries, gasworld is the only truly global publication for the industrial gas industry. From current news and technology updates to market intelligence and interviews, gasworld cannot be missed!

What is CAPEX?

Capital expenditure (CAPEX) is the term given to funds that are used by an organisation to acquire or upgrade its assets, such as property or equipment.

China: Capacity build-out continues

China is one of the main growth markets for Tier One players globally, with no individual company commanding a dominant market share in 2016. In recent weeks, a number of companies have been expanding their...

Country Focus – Japan

This month’s country focus offers an in-depth analysis of the Japanese industrial gas market. The market, valued at $5.6bn in 2016, has struggled over the course of the last decade and took a downward turn...

Praxair-Linde merger: Impact in Asia

The potential Praxair-Linde merger may not affect the Asian market on the same scale as in European and North American markets. However, there are a few regions where anti-trust authorities could impose divestments onto the...

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