
Minnesota’s new law opens door for helium exploration and production

A new law in Minnesota allows the state to issue leases for exploration and production of non-hydrocarbon gases, including helium.

Prior to the new regulations, leases could only be issued on mineral rights that were privately held.

The permitting of helium production projects will now be governed by a temporary regulatory framework prior to final rules being adopted.

By 15th January 2025, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources commissioner must provide recommendations to the legislative committees.

These recommendations will suggest changes to laws and policies to help with the exploration and production of non-hydrocarbon gases, such as helium. They will also address temporary permits for gas exploration and production.

One helium exploration company that will benefit from the law is Pulsar Helium. The company reported helium concentrations of 13.8% at its Jetstream #1 well in Minnesota earlier this year.

Read more: Pulsar Helium discovers up to 13.8% helium concentrations in Minnesota well

Thomas Abraham-James, President and CEO of Pulsar Helium, said he is grateful to the state for supporting the industry.

He added, “The new legislation gives Pulsar certainty moving forward, creating a clear regulatory pathway for us to take Topaz to production. As a result, we are now planning to accelerate our work at Topaz and expand our footprint in Minnesota.”

The new legislation came into effect of 22nd May, after being signed into law by the state governor.

Helium Super Summit

Join gasworld in October 2024 as our Helium Super Summit heads to Houston. More information, including our theme and agenda, will be released over the coming weeks – you can register your interest to ensure you stay updated.

Our Helium Super Summit 2023 agenda was focused on the most significant challenges facing the helium business in 2023/24 and the uncertainty that hangs over the market and its array of end-users. Our 2023 summit has had over 400 attendees and is sold out, so we recommend securing your space. You can book your ticket or register interest here https://bit.ly/gasworldconferences .

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