
Snam increases its stake in Italy’s Adriatic LNG


Energy infrastructure company Snam has increased its stake in Italy’s Adriatic LNG regasification terminal operating in the waters off Porto Viro.

The company has exercised its pre-emption right to increase – from its current 7.3% to 30% – its stake in Terminale GNL Adriatico, the owner of the Italian LNG project.

Adriatic LNG is positioned around 15km off the Veneto coast. It is Italy’s largest offshore infrastructure for unloading, storage, and regasification of LNG, with an annual technical regasification capacity of 9.6 billion cubic meters.

Stefano Venier, CEO of Snam, said the operation strengthens Snam’s presence in LNG infrastructure, which is increasingly strategic for the security and diversification of Italy’s energy supplies.

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