Air Liquide to build biomethane station for John Lewis
John Lewis Partnership today unveiled plans for a biomethane gas filling station in the UK as the retail giant steps up its commitment to reducing carbon emissions.
Presenting you with breaking gas energy news from the biolng market.
John Lewis Partnership today unveiled plans for a biomethane gas filling station in the UK as the retail giant steps up its commitment to reducing carbon emissions.
The European Biogas Association (EBA) and the Natural & Biogas Vehicle Association (NGVA Europe) have published a new leaflet, illustrating the current uptake of biomethane in the transport sector and its potential in the coming...
French utility Engie and European investment firm Mirova have signed a strategic partnership agreement in the biogas sector, inspired by a development model normally associated with wind and solar energy.
The European Biogas Association (EBA) has presented a paper highlighting how biogas and biomethane industries avoid emissions and are already contributing to achieving climate-neutrality by 2050.
A new study has been published to show the required investments needed to scale-up biomethane and hydrogen to assist the transition towards the lowest cost climate neutral system by 2050.
Modern societies and economies produce increasing amounts of organic waste that can be used to produce clean sources of energy, with multiple potential benefits for sustainable development.
As a huge biomethane refuelling station (Europe’s largest) connects into Cadent’s network, Cadent’s Sustainable Transport Strategy Manager David Jones explains here why it’s such an important step on the road to net zero.
CNG Fuels yesterday opened a biomethane refuelling station in Warrington, UK, which the company said is Europe’s largest.
Biomethane could deliver 30% of the UK’s 2030 carbon budget in hardest to decarbonise sectors, provide green heat to 6.4 million homes and create 30,000 jobs by 2030.
Biogas plant builder Weltec Biopower has completed a biomethane plant for French crisps manufacturer Altho.