

Hydrogen gas energy industry news and updates regarding the gas industry.

On the Path to the Hydrogen Economy

The hurdles to making hydrogen a commercially viable energy source are not unlike those encountered when electricity, oil, or natural gas were introduced. The transmission and use of power requires infrastructure and technology specific to the fuel source — electricity requires...

New Long Life Replacement Catalyst for Steam Reforming Hydrogen

For nearly a century, catalyst-impregnated ceramic pellet media has driven Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) reactions in hydrogen plants. Catacel Corporation (Garrettsville, Ohio) (www.catacel.com) has tested and perfected a new higher performance alternative — the Stackable Structural Reactor (SSR®) (Figure 1).

The H Hybrid Vehicle Passes the Test of a Vermont Winter

Hydrogen can be produced from diverse domestic feedstocks using a variety of process technologies. Hydrogen-containing compounds such as fossil fuels, biomass or even water can be a source of hydrogen. Thermochemical processes can be used to produce hydrogen from biomass and from...

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