© Chart Industries
© Chart Industries

Chart improves emissions intensity following Howden acquisition


Chart Industries, the newly enlarged US cryogenics manufacturer, has put out its first sustainability report following its game-changing acquisition of Howden for $4.4bn in March 2023.

The 2023 calendar-year report contains a host of metrics that are very different from previously, with the company having more than doubled in size by headcount and nearly quadrupled its number of operations sites. At the same time, there are signs of progress across some key performance indicators.

The report notes that the company now has 114 sites, up from 29, and 11,576 employees, up from 5,178.  Its Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions are accordingly up, while its Scope 3 emissions – outside of the organisation but within the value chain – are not reported.

What the new-look company can report as a measure of progress is its emissions intensity – setting metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions against revenues – and here the 2023 figure is 20.09 versus 27.7 in 2022. That is a 27.5% decrease in energy intensity.

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